Saturday, December 22, 2007

Ow! Ow! Ow!

Oh well - not really - but seemed like a good start to the blog. Just a quick update to let everyone know that I am home. I have survived. And really - it isn't as bad as everyone seems to think it should be. I feel great - except for the hot flashes. Seems I lost everything in the operation - uterus and both ovaries and tubes - thus throwing me into instant menopause. The good news is that my Doctor doesn't think any of it was cancerous. The bad news - apparently they now have to look at my gallbladder (sigh - seems like I can never win).

So - with all of that said - I feel great!!!!!! Really. And that should give you an idea of exactly how sick I was before this operation. I was in a great deal of pain and felt terrible all the time. The ovarian cyst was uncomfortable (yes - I could feel it). My doctors have remarked on my incredible tolerance for pain (since 12 hours after the operation, I have only had extra-strength Tylenol every 12 hours) - and I didn't even feel the staples coming out. I tire easily - but today actually made a trip into town to get groceries (don't worry - my kids came with me and did all the lifting) - but I drove.

Oh- and today I made it out to the barn with my dad to see all my little critters. We were all very happy to see one another - actually they were happier to see me because it was 9 am - and they were hungry.

Now don't let me kid you - yes there is some discomfort - but really I feel great. Not quite up to dancing yet - but close. Well - maybe a slow dance.

So - tomorrow, I will do a minor tree trimming and put up a few decorations. I'll also finish wrapping gifts and get ready for Christmas. if I don't get back to post again before Christmas - I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas - surrounded by the love of your family and friends.

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