INUK is getting a bit tired of shovelling this white stuff.
We were supposed to get about 4" on Saturday night. We got somthing more like 10" - then another 3-4" last night and this morning.

Like I said - it's a good thing that I like snow. It's the dreadful cold temperatures that I don't like.

Johnny doesn't like them either - he wouldn't even lift his head for the picture - no way - if I hide under here - it might all go away.
The birds are happy though. I filled all the feeders for them last night. The dolly cart tipped up is actually protecting a ground feeder that keeps filling up with snow. So far this winter, we
have blue jays, cardinals, piliated and downy woodpeckers, juncos , sparrows, turtle doves and
goldfinches to name a few, along with deer, possums, raccoons and squirrels all frequenting the feeders.

On another note - we have been working on my studio/garage this past few weeks. It's starting to come together nicely. My husband and I worked through this terrible cold snap to get the
old garage door taken down - and the doors and windows on the front put up.

It's starting to come together nicely. The door and windows are recycled from a friend's house when he did renovations. I also have some more windows and another door from him - they will go into the back wall so that I can look out at the pond while I'm working. The glass in the door and windows is all bevelled - it's from a 1920's Arts and crafts house - gorgeous stuff.
It's much warmer in there now (notice the kitty door in the corner for the stray cats). I scored a wood pellet stove online last week - along with 30 bags of wood pellets - so we have been working to get the area finished that the stove will go into (the stray cats will love that).
When it's done in the spring - there will be an area for my pottery studio - as well as an area for washing and cleaning fleeces.
I'm going to be out of town for the next few weekends at pottery workshops - but will get back to it as soon as I get the chance.
Oh - and stay tuned for my new pottery blog. After many requests - I hope to have it up and running sometime in the next few weeks. Until then......... think warm!!!