Well, it's been positively hectic around here - some good, and some bad.
I thought I should take a few moments to update my blog a few days ago. Then the batteries in my camera died - so I had to wait until today to get new batteries and get started.
I've been super busy with pottery shows and sales. I've just finished one show locally and have 2 more shows in the next few weeks. I've turned down 4 shows this summer, as I will be too busy, but then I have 3 more shows in the fall. Add onto that - several commission pieces to do, and a local store has just put in an order for goblets for the summer wine season. I'm going to be very busy indeed this summer.
Oh - and everyone who is waiting for sheep - they are almost all ready. Pictures should be posted in the next few weeks.
But first - some fun. Look at all of these gorgeous Shetland rovings - all dyed by Jared - the 10 year old son of my friend in Kingston - Kim.

Jared has a way with the dyes that's for sure.
I'm taking some of these with me to a shearing party in a couple of weeks - they should go over well. Jared has no fear of mixing colours - and in many cases here - he has over-dyed grey and moorit rovings to achieve some of these fabulous colours. If you want to see more of his work - just click on "Cornerstone Fibres" under my favourite blogs.
On To Other News.
Isn't this young lady just beautiful! This is my baby girl!
She will be 19 years old this week - I can't believe it - 19 years old!
It seems like only yesterday she was born.

This picture was taken April 26th as she was going to the
military dress ball for her regiment.
Unfortunately - no flowers were
in bloom at the time - but she still
looks stunning anyway.
She had a wonderful evening out. Since she missed her
prom last year (she was away at a training camp for the weekend blowing things up), I thought that she should have a chance to go all out just like the prom. Her boyfriend Chris wore a tux - and they were a very stunning couple.
But now for the really exciting news..............................
In 2 weeks time - my little girl leaves for Ottawa - the
capitol of Canada. She has been posted to Parliament Hill from June 1st to August 30th as a Parliamentary Guard. Yes - she's going to wear a bearskin hat and wool coat all summer - and basically - entertain the tourists. (Just like in this picture below).

And she's going to get paid handsomely to
do this!
Now - don't get me wrong - Brittany is in the
Canadian Reserves. The only way you can get
this job is to be in the Canadian Military - either full time or reserves. She's quite excited, because (oh - life is difficult) - when she's not
entertaining the tourists, she will be going to
the Governor Generals Garden Party, and
has to take a course in (get this) - white water
rafting and kayaking. Then - if she's a really good little soldier - they are going to fly her to
Norway to participate in some sort of function over there (I told you life was rough).
I'll keep you posted as the summer progresses.
After she returns from Ottawa - she has 1 day, and only 1 day at home - and then it's off to
Newfoundland where she will be attending Memorial University for the next 5 years (one of these years will be spent in England) studying English Literature in preparation to hopefully one day become a high school english/history teacher - or something like that.
So - it will be a busy summer coming up for us. I'm sure - without a doubt that we will be going to Ottawa to visit my little girl - and other relatives, and then, it's off for a cross country journey to get her to school.
What else is going on? More later.