It was such a winter wonderland - very beautiful (except the driveway that I had to get my Dad
to come over and clean out with the snow blower).
And - in keeping with the wonderful Canadian Winters in Southern Ontario - by today - everything out there looks like this: Yep - all gone!

By next week - we'll probably be snowed in again. Thankfully - we aren't getting the snow that they are on the west coast - and the flooding. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
On to other subjects. I've been a little bit remiss this past week or so - trying to keep up with all the work I have to catch up on.
Michelle made this lovely shawl for my Mother in Law in exchange for some yarn that I spun for her. Note the lovely clasp that she made from beads. She is very talented - and I think the shawl is just beautiful. I'm sure the MIL will love it - we'll be seeing her this weekend.

I'm also headed back to work this week - at least part-time. We'll see how that goes. I'd much
rather stay home - alas - I've yet to win the lottery.